Zion Temple MB Church aims to lead souls to Christ through teaching, discipleship, and selfless-service. The Bible is clear that we are to go ye therefore, teaching all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe everything commanded by Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19-20).
To reach all those who may not know God and understand the depth and power of His love. We spread the Good News of the Gospel so that all who are lost have the opportunity to be saved by our gracious and sovereign Lord.
Music That Moves You
Don't be confused. This isn't a concert.
These are the sounds of Zion. These songs are the lyrics that flow from our hearts to our King. We sing because we love Him! We're blessed because HE LOVES US!
Dynamic Preaching
We believe that the Bible is the greatest source of truth.
Worship is centered around the Word and by this we mean the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ. We worship God the Father in relationship with Jesus the Son, the One by whom we have access to God. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s Word, the Scripture. Each time we gather for worship, the Bible is explained in ways that all people can understand it, so that the Word is open and accessible for all.
Common Questions
We will try our best not to embarrass you. Although visitors are occasionally asked to stand, you do not have to speak. We only use this time to recognize you, wish you a warm welcome and say, "We're glad you're here!"
You’ll find everything from casual clothes to business suits at our worship experiences. Zion Temple is not about what you look like or what you wear. Dress in what is comfortable for you!
At Zion Temple MBC, your child won't have a chance to be bored. Our Youth Ministry includes: A Youth Bible Study, Youth Praise Dance, A Youth Choir and Sunday School Classes that cater to every level between Beginners all the way to Young Adults. Zion Temple provides many opportunity for young people to have fun as they grow in Christ.
At Zion Temple, we believe that we are never more "God - Like" than when we give. Generosity is important, but we do not want you to feel obligated to a specified dollar amount. When you give, you are not only helping to keep the doors of the church open, i.e. mortgage, electricity, heat, but you are also meeting the needs of those in the community who are struggling. So at all times we encourage you to give as God has placed it upon your heart to give.